B&R Issue 383 – Sorry! Sold Out!

BACK ROOM WIZARDS Opal Louis Nations looks at the double life and recording career of R&B singer CARMEN TAYLOR who was also a star of the Latin American music scene

Part Two Of Jim O’Neal’s extensive 1978 Interview with Chicago pianist and bluesman JOHNNY ‘BIG MOOSE’ WALKER

Ray Templeton’s series of BLUES THROWBACKS of Post War Downhome Blues Obscurities featuring bluesman LUTHER HUFF who recorded for Trumpet Records

CHANCE RECORDS REVISITED – Dan Kochakian rummages through the vaults of Art Sheridan’s labels

D. K. HARRELL – Mike Stephenson interviews up and coming young blues artist

Blues & Rhythm Goes On The Road With JOHN PRIMER

Plus: Neil Slaven, Norman Dayron, Dick Waterman, Melody Angel, Junior Wells & Buddy Guy Live CD reissues, Cedric Burnside, Lonnie Johnson, Big Joe Williams, Jazz Gillum, John Mayall and many more

B&R Issue 382 – Sorry! Sold Out!

Extensive 1978 Interview with Chicago pianist and bluesman JOHNNY ‘BIG MOOSE’ WALKER – Part One by Jim O’Neal

Chicago Blues: BERNIE ABRAMS & ORA NELLE RECORDS Interview from 1971 by Cary Baker

Ray Templeton’s new series of BLUES THROWBACKS of Post War Downhome Blues Obscurities with Texas bluesman STICK HORSE HAMMOND

20 CD Bear Family MEMPHIS BLUES BOX feature/review by Ray Templeton

Gudio van Rijn looks at the latest rare pre-war blues finds in ’THE LOST PARAMOUNTS’

Simon Evans discovers what was happening the R&B world through the pages of CASH BOX 1954

Plus: Larry Cohn, Phil Spiro, R. L. Boyce, Otis Grand, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Boy Fuller, Jimmy Reed, Texas Alexander, Blues Meets Doo Wop, William Clarke, Esther Phillips, Robert Finlay, King Biscuit Festival, Lucerne Blues Festival